Team Powerslide @ FPG

Flanders Grand Prix

Dry run for the Worlds

Looking at the intermediate status of the inscriptions for this years edition of the Flanders Grand Prix, quiet some names do ring a bell : Bart Swings, Etienne Ramali, Jore Van den Berghe, Ferre Spruyt, Ewen Fernandez, Livio Wenger, Maarten Swings, Felix Rijhnen and Michel Mulder are expected at the starting line from 16 till the 18th of August. Ideal preparation for the worlds to test condition and grip of the wheels.

Also Sabine Berg, Katharina Rumpus, Laetischia Shimek and Erika Zanetti are on the list for Powerslide. Beside lot's of other famous athletes, the Australian team took contact to participate at this stage of the European Inline Cup. Inscriptions are still open, so don't hesitate to compete these world class sportsmen.
